Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Please Support Planetary Annihilation!

Several of the tastiest original authors of the best real-time strategy game of all time, Total Annihilation, headed up by Jon Mavor, the technical genius behind the original, have created a Kickstarter campaign for the spiritual successor, Planetary Annihilation:

They have already blown past their goal of $900k and are up to $1.75M at the time of this post.  We're in the last 45 hours of the raise now.  If they break $2M, we get a live orchestral score, and if they break $2.1M, we get a documentary of the entire production.  Could you make a pledge and help them meet their goal?

Here's the link!  Click like the wind!

Huge, huge, huge props to Kickstarter for creating a place where great games can be directly funded by their ardent fans.

1 comment:

  1. When I saw that kickstarter I immediately thought of you hurling wads of cash at them
